Monday, February 22, 2016

We are all getting geared up for our 'Run A Mile With A Smile' which is happening on the 2nd of March! I hope everyone is keeping up with their 'active schools' homework and we are all ready to run!!:)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

All loving our different P.E strands!

Bizzy Breaks are doing the rounds in the School. Everyone is working hard at keeping active!

5th class also developed their own dance moves!:)

Friday, February 12, 2016

              Active Schools!
Welcome to our blog. This blog will help to keep the children and parents up to date on anything and everything that is going on in School with our 'Be Actives'. We think it is very important to get out and get active!In our School we have such a range of activities that children can get involved in, from swimming, dancing,football, rugby and much more. There is something for everybody.We have been working so hard to promote being active, with teachers attending 'Be Actives' training and the Active Schools Committee developing ideas and events for the children to enjoy in the School. We hope you take a long through our blog, that shows all the activities and indeed talents that we have in our School!

Thanks for having a look,
The Active Schools Committee;)

P.S If any kids have any ideas they would like to share with us, please tell the Active Schools representative in your class.:)

Active Achievers!Everyone is doing great work with getting Active. All of the teachers have met several parents that have said that you guys are doing your active homework and are getting outside more!Keep it up!:) Ms.Short..

                                                    Our Active Achievers!

All classes are participating in Céilí Dancing this term. They are getting on very well at this and all enjoying the different style of dancing.

Five of the First class boys that took part in their first ever GAA Blitz in Scotstown on the 11th of February!Well done boys.:)

Our 'Active Schools' Committee keeping everyone moving after breaks! After the children line up our committee work hard at the top of the lines to keep everyone moving and get the heart rates up!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Why use a bus when we can 'get active'! St.Tiarnachs always walk to any local events that they attend. Rang a 3s trip to the library!:)